Beauty and Wellness Journal — spa treatment
Dermaplaning 101
Posted by Aleksandra Andrade on
In today's market, there are so many new procedures and products designed to make us look younger. In the addition to the common skin care procedures we have discussed in yesterday's post, there is also one that I found to be particularly interesting. It is called Dermaplaning. Many people confuse it with dermabrasion - a medical procedure in which the skin is abraded down to the dermis using a whisklike device. Unlike dermabrasion, which is usually associated with many complications, dermaplaning is a simple and safe shaving of the epidermis. Although many people have never heard of it, dermaplaning has...
What's on the menu? Your guide to common spa skin procedures.
Posted by Aleksandra Andrade on
Whether you want to address a specific skin concern or just looking for relaxation a spa appointment is always a good idea. Too often, however, we feel too intimidated by those fancy words on a spa menu and instead of taking advantage of new procedures we stick with the same old facials or waxing. Spa is a billion dollar industry in the US alone with so many different treatments available already and new ones coming out on the market all the time. As a licensed esthetician I know how hard it can be to try something new, especially if you are a "spa newbie"....