Beauty and Wellness Journal — skin care tips

Tanning Beds: To Ban, Or Not To Ban?

Posted by Aleksandra Andrade on

Growing up on the coast of the Baltic Sea, where sunny days were a rare occasion, I did not get to enjoy much time in the sun. Yet, just like other girls of my age, I dreamed of having glowing, tanned skin. Many of my friends and I wanted to look like the models or celebrities from the covers of our favorite magazines. I remember how excited we all were when the first tanning salon has opened in our city. Every day after school we used to spend our lunch money just to get a few minutes of the artificial...

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When Do Cosmetic Products Expire?

Posted by Aleksandra Andrade on

Let's be honest here, we all know that cosmetic and skin care products do expire. Many of us have heard about the "rule of 6 months" (cosmetic products need to be replaced every 6 months or so). But how many of us actually DO throw away that "barely used" and "super expensive" lip gloss or concealer? Majority of women are convinced that it is a waste of money to throw away a "perfectly good" product. In reality, that product should have been replaced a long time ago. Let me ask you this, would you take a to-go order in a...

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